Web Rush
Episode 17: Serverless with Jeff Hollan
Episode Summary
Jeff Hollan, Senior Program Manager for Microsoft Azure Functions, joins us to talk about serverless and talks about his serverless doorbell project.
Episode Notes
Recording date: 2019-01-03
John Papa @John_Papa
Dan Wahlin @danwahlin
Jeff Hollan @JeffHollan
Someone to follow
- 01:20 Guest introductions
- 02:10 What is a project manager at Microsoft?
- 03:52 What's the profile of a customer you talk to?
- 05:39 Why would I use serverless over containers?
- 10:25 What is serverless? Where would I use it?
- 13:43 Why not use serverless for everything?
- 21:07 Sponsor: Progress
- 21:52 How does scaling work with serverless?
- 30:29 Being reactive vs proactive
- 33:25 Can you use serverless to monitor serverless?
- 37:50 Are there boundaries on the complexity of functions you can run?
- 39:52 Sponsor: IdeaBlade
- 40:52 Are people using microservices into serverless?
- 43:27 How easy is it to monitor functions on serverless?
- 49:51 What other options are available for serverless?
- 51:37 What's the most common language used at Azure?
- 52:49 Someone to follow
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