Web Rush
Episode 51: Building Software without Frameworks - Niall Crosby
Episode Summary
Niall Crosby talks with us about why he built Ag Grid, how he dealt with various issues when releasing open source software, and tips for anyone else thinking of writing their own frameworks or projects.
Episode Notes
Recording date: 2019-08-15
John Papa @John_Papa
Ward Bell @WardBell
Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin
Niall Crosby @AG_Grid
Final Tips
- 04:00 Guest intro
- 06:08 What problem did building Ag Grid solve?
- 11:27 How did you deal with cross browser issues?
- 19:05 Sponsor: DevIntersection
- 20:27 When you first started, did you start with virtualizing?
- 28:30 Sponsor: IdeaBlade
- 29:44 Do you ever regret releasing it into the world?
- 34:57 How do you know if you're writing sugar code?
- 41:59 Final tips